The 84 Laws - Translated

I'm waiting on some friends of mine to verify that my translations are sound/makes sense.
My favourite ones: #46, #48, #59, #82
  1. 天覆 (Sky Covers):要上面盖尽下面,法宜上清而下浊。 The top covers the bottom entirely, in this law, the top is clear and the bottom is turbid.
  2. 地载(Ground Carries):要下而载起上画, 法宜上轻而下重 The bottom supports the top, in this law the top is light and the bottom is weighty.
  3. 让左 (Concede Left):须左昂而右低,若右边有谦逊之象。 The left side raised high while the right side hangs low, if the right side possess a modest appearance.
  4. 让右(Concede Right):宜右耸而左平 ,若左边有固逊之仪。 The right should dominate while the left side is suppressed, if the left side originally appears unassuming.
  5. 分疆 (Divide Boundary):取左右平而无让,如两人并相立之形。 Assume that left and right are equal, neither yielding, as if two people mutually standing side by side.
  6. 三匀 (Even Three):取中间正而勿偏 ,若左右致拱揖之壮。 Assume that the center is straight and upright, made stronger if the arched left and right greet the middle.
  7. 二段(Two Parts):要分为两半,较其长短, 微加饶减。 Divide in half, compare lengths, add a little, spare a little.
  8. 三停(Three Stops):要分为三截 ,量其疏密, 以布均停。 Divide in three sections, estimate how disperse or close to arrange the stops.
  9. 上占地步 (Divine Top):要上面阔而画清 ,下面窄而画浊。 The top is broad yet drawn clear, the bottom is narrow yet drawn turbid。
  10. 下占地步 (Divine Bottom):要下面宽而画轻,上面窄而画重。 The bottom is wide yet drawn light, the top is narrow yet drawn heavy.
  11. 左占地步 (Divine Left):要左边大而画细,右边小而画粗。The left side is big yet drawn slender, the right side is small yet drawn thick.
  12. 右占地步 (Divine Right):要右边宽而画瘦,左边窄而画肥。The right side is wide yet drawn lean, the left side is narrow yet drawn fat.
  13. 左右占地步 (Divine Left-Right):要左右瘦而俱长,中间肥而独短。Left and right are lean yet long, the middle fat yet short.
  14. 上下占地步 (Divine Top-Bottom):要上下宽而微扁,中间窄而勿长。The top and bottom are wide and minutely flat, the middle is narrow and not long.
  15. 中占地步 (Divine Center):要中间宽大而画轻,两头窄小而画重。The center is wide and large but drawn light, two ends are narrow and small but drawn heavy。
  16. 俯仰勾 ( Bowing ‘Gou’s’):要上盖窄小而钩短,下腕宽大而钩长。 The top possess a narrow but short ‘gou,’the bottom possess a large curve and long‘gou.’
  17. 平四角 (Four Equal Corners):要上两角平 ,而下两角齐,法忌挫肩垂脚。The upper two corners are level, and the bottom two corners uniform,this law avoids a limp back and bent foot.
  18. 开两肩(Open Two Shoulders):要上两肩开,而下两脚合,法忌直脚卸肩 The shoulders open up, and the feet are together, this law avoids a straight legs and relieved shoulders.
  19. 匀画 (Draw Evenly):黑白喜得均匀。Black and white in pleasant unison.
  20. 错综 (Criss-Cross) :三部怕成犯碍。Three parts afraid of obstructing each other. 
  21. 疏排 (Sparse Arrangement):疏排之撇须展,不展则寒乞孤穷。In Sparse Arrangement, the ‘pie’ stroke must show, if not, the word resembles a lonely poor in the cold. *
  22. 缜密 (Precision):缜密之画用蹙,不蹙则疏宽开散。Precision word is drawn tightly, not sparse, scattered and wide open.
  23. 悬针 (Hanging Pin):悬针之字,不用中竖,若中竖,则少精神。Hanging Pin words do not use Vertical Stroke, because the Vertical Stroke reduces vigor.
  24. 中竖 (Vertical Stroke):中竖之字,不用悬针。若悬针,则字不稳重。 Vertical Stroke words, do not use Hanging Pin, because the Hanging Pin looks unstable.
  25. 上平 (Top Leveled):上平者,其小者在左,而莫错方隅。 The Top Leveled word, is smaller on the left, but never misses the border. *
  26. 下平 (Bottom Leveled):下平者,其小者在左,而勿差地位。The Bottom Leveled word, is smaller on the left, but never mistakes the ground position. *
  27. 上宽 (Top Wide):上宽者,下面固然难大,惟长趁而方佳。 For the Top Wide, while the bottom cannot be big, only a slight elongated square is beautiful.
  28. 下宽 (Bottom Wide):下宽者,上面已是成尖 ,用短蹙而方好。 For Bottom Wide, the top is long and narrow, a short, compressed square is good.
  29. 减捺 (Subtract ‘Na’):减捺者宜减,不减则重捺难观。 A ‘na’ stroke is subtracted, if not the dominant ‘na’ is difficult to see.
  30. 减钩 (Subtract ‘Gou’):减钩者宜减,不减则重钩无体。A‘gou’ stroke is subtracted, otherwise, the dominant ‘gou’ stroke lacks form.
  31. 让横 (Concede ‘Heng’):让横者,取横画长而勿担。For Concede ‘Heng,’draw a long yet unburdened horizontal stroke.
  32. 让直 (Concede Upright):让直者,要直竖正而勿偏。 For Concede Upright, the ‘shu’ stroke is straight and does not lean.
  33. 横勒 (Reined in ‘Heng’):横勒者,但放平而无势。For Reined in ‘Heng,’there is no potential [shi], when the stroke is level.
  34. 均平 (All leveled):均平者,若兼勒以先威。For All Leveled, simultaneously rein in the strokes. *
  35. 纵波 (Vertical‘Po’):纵波之波,惟喜藏头收尾。The ‘po’ of Vertical ‘Po,’ only delights in a hidden head and gathered tail.
  36. 横波 (Horizontal‘Po’):横波之波,先须拓颈宽胸。The ‘po’ of Horizontal ‘Po,’ first needs an extended neck and broad chest.
  37. 纵戈 (Vertical‘Ge’):纵戈之戈,但怕弯曲力败。The ‘ge’ stroke of Vertical ‘Ge,’solely fears of losing strength from bending.
  38. 横戈 (Horizontal‘Ge’):横戈之戈,尤嫌挺直钩平。The ‘ge’ stroke of Horizontal ‘Ge,’particularly dislikes stiff, straight flat hooks.
  39. 屈脚 (Wrong Foot):屈脚之钩,须要尖包两点。The ‘gou’ stroke of Wrong Foot, must envelope two ‘dian’ strokes.
  40. 承上 (Prop Up):承上之撇,宜令叉对正中。 The ‘pie’ stroke of Prop Up, must intersect at mid-point.
  41. 曾头(Head):曾头者,用上开而下合。For head, the top is opened and and the bottom is closed.
  42. 其脚 (Feet):其脚者,用上合而下开。 For feet,the top is closed but bottom is opened.
  43. 长方 (Rectangle):长方者,喜四直而宽大。 A rectangular case, likes its four sides straight and wide.
  44. 短方(Short Rectangle):短方者,贵两肩而平开。A short rectangle, values level and open shoulders.
  45. 搭钩 (Build [separate] ‘Gou’):搭钩者,钩须另搭,不则累苟笔之态 (For Build ‘Gou,’the ‘gou’ is added separately, the strokes do not appear casual or tired.
  46. 重撇 (Weighty ‘Pie’):重撇者,撇须宛转,不则犯排牙之名。 For Weighty ‘Pie,’the ‘pie’ stroke conveys the curve, not committing the fallacy of looking like a row of teeth. *
  47. 攒点 (Assembled ‘Dian’):攒点之点,皆宜朝向,不则为砌石之样。The appropriate orientation of each‘dian’ stroke of Assembled ‘Dian,’ do not resemble a row of masonry.
  48. 排点 (Arrangement of ‘Dian’):排点之点,须用变更,不则为布棋之形。 The ‘dian’ stroke of Arrangement of ‘Dian,’uses variation, not resembling scattered chess pieces.
  49. 勾努 (Striving [vertical]‘Gou’):句努之字 ,不宜用裹,若用裹,字便不方圆。 A Striving ‘Gou,’ is not suited for enveloping, otherwise, the word will not look square. 
  50. 勾裹 (Bounded ‘Gou’):勾裹之字,不宜用努,若用努,字最难饱满。A ‘nu’[vertical] stroke is not suited for a Bounded ‘Gou,’if used, the word won’t fill out.
  51. 中勾 (Middle ‘Gou’):中勾之字,但凭偏正生妍。 A Middle ‘Gou,’is beautiful, merely relying on an upright disposition.
  52. 绰勾 (Ample ‘Gou’):绰勾之字,亦喜妍生偏正。 For Ample ‘Gou,’ the most charming disposition inclines towards upright.
  53. 伸勾 (Outstretched ‘Gou’):伸勾之字,惟在屈伸取体。An Outstretched ‘Gou,’solely aims for a bent, outstretched form.
  54. 屈勾 (Yielding ‘Gou’):屈勾之字,要知体立屈伸。A Yielding ‘Gou,’must know its form exists upright with its extension bent back.
  55. 左垂 (Left Droops):左垂者,右边不得太长。 The left droops, the right side must not be too long.
  56. 右垂 (Right Hangs Down) :右垂者,左边须索要短。 The right hangs down, the left side alone is short.
  57. 盖下 (Cover Below):盖下者,左右宜乎均分。For Cover Below, the left and right sides divide equally.
  58. 趁下 (Advantage Below [referring to stroke]):趁下者,两边贵乎平展。 For Advantage Below, the two sides are valued and displayed equally.
  59. 纵腕 (Vertical ‘Wan’):纵腕之腕宜长,惟怕蜂腰鹤膝。The ‘wan’ stroke of Vertical ‘Wan’ is long, only afraid of resembling a wasp’s waist or a crane’s knee.
  60. 横腕 (Horizontal ‘Wan’):横腕之腕嫌短,不宜鹤膝蜂腰。 The ‘wan’ stroke of Horizontal ‘Wan’ dislikes being short, it is not a crane’s knee or a wasp’s waist.
  61. 纵撇 (Vertical ‘Pie’):纵撇之撇最忌短,仍患鼠尾牛头。The ‘pie’ stroke of Vertical ‘Pie’ especially dreads being short, yet worries over resembling a rat’s tail and a bull’s head.
  62. 横撇(Horizontal ‘Pie’):横撇之撇偏喜长 ,惟怕牛头鼠尾。The ‘pie’ stroke of Horizontal Pie favors being slightly long, only afraid of resembling a bull’s head and a rat’s tail.
  63. 联撇 (Successive Pie):联撇之法,取下撇之首对上撇之胸。 The law of Successive Pie, the lower stroke’s head faces the upper stroke’s chest.
  64. 散水 (Disperse Water):散水之法,下点之锋应上点之尾。 The law of Disperse Water, the bottom stroke’s edge responds to top stroke’s tail.
  65. 肥 (Fat):肥者止许略肥,而莫至于浮肿。 Fat words are slightly fat, not to the extent of looking bloated or swollen.
  66. 瘦 (Thin):瘦者但须少瘦,而体反为枯瘠。Thin words are trim, and the form opposes looking dry and weak.
  67. 疏 (Scant):疏本稀排,乃用丰肥粗壮。 Scant words by nature are arranged sparsely, hence, use ample, robust strokes.
  68. 密 (Close):密虽紧布,还宜自在安舒。Although close words are tightly arranged, and also comfortably outstretched.
  69. 堆 (Stack):堆者,累累重叠,宜重叠处以铺匀。Stacked words overlap, again and again, the place of overlap positioned evenly.
  70. 积 (Accumulate):积者,总总繁紊,用繁紊中而取整。Accumulated words, are always invariably complicated and disorderly, seek wholeness within the disorder.
  71. 偏 (Slant):偏者还须偏称。 Incline to one side as appropriate.
  72. 圆 (Round):圆者则喜围圆。 Round words naturally likes circular enclosure.
  73. 斜 (Oblique):斜者虽斜,而其中要取方正。 Despite being oblique, the word in essence possess uprightness.
  74. 正 (Straight):正者已正,而四方无使余偏。 Straight words are upright, its four corners not oblique.
  75. 重 (Weighty):重者下必要大。A Weighty case, the bottom is necessarily large.
  76. 并 (Open):并者右必用宽。An Open case, the right is necessarily wide.
  77. 长 (Long):长者原不喜短。 A Long case primarily dislikes shortness.
  78. 短 (Short):短者切勿求长。A short case does not seek length.
  79. 大 (Big):大者既大,而妙于攒簇。 For Big case, the words are already big, and its components are amassed cleverly.
  80. 小 (Small):小者虽小,而贵在丰严。Small cases are small, but value an ample and austere appearance.
  81. 向 (Facing):向者虽迎,而手足亦须回避。Although Facing cases greet, its hand avoids the foot.
  82. 背 (Back [Away]) :背者固扭,而脉络本自贯通。The Back case is already turned around, but the artery [of the word] is naturally free flowing.
  83. 孤 (Alone):孤者画孤,而惟患于轻浮枯瘦。Alone words are drawn isolated, and only worries over becoming flighty, dry and thin.
  84. 单 (Single):单者形单,而偏重于俊丽清长。Single cases are alone, slightly weighted, handsome, light and long.

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